Thanks to the sponsors of our tractor pulls! Please view all of the sponsors of the 2012 Tractor Pulls. SUPPORT these businesses! They are supporting YOUR community!
Archives for June 2012
Come join us for the Auction!
Auction starts at 6pm today. Come on out to the showgrounds (at Reinbold’s Service Center at the corner of M46 & M83, 5 miles north of Frankenmuth).
We have a lot of great items up for auction!
Here’s just a sample:
A 1 hour massage from “The Willows”
Bader Bros has donated a toy tractor
2 – $10 gift cards to the Bringer Inn
4 tickets to the Saginaw Children’s Zoo
A Carpet Cleaning ($200.00 value) donated by Kwik Dry
Candlelite Bowl donated 10 games of bowling
A pie for pickup at Big Boy of Bridgeport
3 – $10.00 gift certificates to Fritz’s in Richville
4 Chicken Dinners at Norm’s Market in Richville
2 – $20.00 gift cards to Jansen’s in Reese
A Hat & Shirt from Gib’s in Reese
2 Oil Changes at Keyser
3 – $10.00 gift certificates to Trackside
2 – $5.00 gift cards to Papio’s
$15.00 Pizza Coupon for Davinci’s in Frankenmuth
A $30.00 gift certificate to Mike Young
2 Screwdriver sets from Gilroy’s
A $20.00 gift certificate for Tiffany’s
A $25.00 gift certificate to Bronner’s
A $20.00 gift certificate to Black Forest
A boat tour for 2 aboard FunShips in Frankenmuth
2 – 5# bags of navy beans from Star of the West
And much more! Click Here for the full auction bill
Auction services are provided by Butler Auctions this year. Please visit his website to see his other auctions.
Show Day is Almost Here!
We can’t wait until this weekend! We have a full lineup of events planned.
Please visit our 2012 Tractor Show Page for the full schedule of events.
We’ll have tractor pulls, kiddie pulls, lots of vendors, TONS of tractors, famous bean soup, and so much more!
Post in the comments with what you are most excited for!
AND, if you just can’t wait for some tractor activities, please come and join us Friday night for our auction.
All proceeds benefit the club and go towards the show and our other activities. Carol Rohloff and other club members have been busy collecting donations from local businesses (THANK YOU!) and we hope to see you Friday for all of the bidding action!