Archives for May 2010
Volunteers Needed, Auction Items Needed, Show Update
So, after a very exciting and information packed meeting tonight I have a lot of info to post on the site. We’ll get everything updated and posted in the next day or so, but felt it was very important to make the following announcements now!
Volunteers Needed!
We need volunteers for the show days on Saturday and Sunday. Volunteers do not have to pay the admission fee. We just ask that you put in a few hours work either parking cars, serving food, registering tractors, helping at consignment auction or some other volunteer activity.If you are interested in volunteering, please send us an email.
Auction Items Needed!
Also, we still need items for the Friday Night Auction. We are accepting donated items (100% of the proceeds of the sale of the item go to the Club) and consignment items (50% goes to the Club, and 50% goes to the seller). We will be receiving the items on Thursday from 11am to 7pm and Friday from 12pm to 5pm. If you’d like to commit to providing an item, please send us an email.
Reminder – Pig Roast This Sunday!
Just a reminder, one of our primary fundraisers, The Pig Roast, takes place this Sunday, May 16th at the Gera Tavern. Stop by and enjoy some of our delicious barbecured pork and some tractor talk. We are having our 50/50 drawing. Also, this will be the first event that we have 2010 – 2011 calendars available for sale. Calendars will sell for $3.00 each, so be sure to get yours now!
Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!